About the artist

Fredrica Introne is a contemporary figurative painter based in central New York.  Inspired by human movement and patterns in nature, she specializes in dynamic, gymnastic entanglements and anatomical fantasies on metal, paper, and canvas.  Fredrica’s work appears in private collections, athletic training facilities, and commercial spaces in Australia, Norway, Germany, England, Toronto, Utah, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Los Angeles, New York, Minnesota, Florida, and California, as well as on the walls of abandoned buildings in Detroit and in a recent book about the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze.  Fredrica is an avid outdoorswoman and forager, a lifelong lover of history and a Brazilian jiujitsu practitioner.

“The stunning artwork of Fredrica Introne is now gracing the walls at Dominance MMA…showcasing the disciplines we teach and train – BJJ, MMA and Muay Thai.  This beautiful art represents not just what we teach but the passion, commitment and energy we bring to that task daily.”
– David Hart, owner of Dominance MMA, Melbourne, Australia.

For inquiries regarding shows or custom projects: fredricaintroneart@gmail.com

To follow her work on instagram: @fredricaintrone


Interview with Battles of London